Monday, January 21, 2013

Hello? It's your Horties Calling!

Posted by: Dr. Tony Koski (Extension Turfgrass Specialist) and Alison O’Connor (Horticulture Agent, Larimer County)

We are trying something new.  Well, new to us anyway (hello 21st century!).  A group of horticulture agents and campus Specialists across Colorado are blogging to bring you new, timely and interesting horticultural information from Colorado State University and the local Extension Offices.  This blog will hopefully benefit those with an interest in the many facets of Colorado gardening—because we know it isn't easy to have success in our sunny state.  We know this because we flounder as much (or more often) as you do.  The great thing is that every plant we kill, every cultivar we grow without success, every mistake we make, helps you.  At least we like to think it does...

We plan to debunk myths, bring you the latest research-based information from our land grant university, give detail about specific interest areas, and explain why we have certain recommendations, all while having a little fun doing it. 

Tony and Alison pontificating what to blog...we'll come up with something!
Our plan is to update the blog a couple times a week—more if there is something “newsy” that we need to share.  At last count, there will be 16 individuals blogging, with the encouragement to our colleagues for more participants.  The great thing about Extension is that everyone has an area of expertise—so while Dr. Koski’s news on turfgrass recommendations might bore you to tears, we hope that Alison’s aversion to tomatoes flips your switch (it’s true—she grows them, but refuses to eat them).

We will respond to your comments as best we can, but please be considerate and not attack anyone.  This is an information portal and should be treated as such.  And so, with a simple click of a button….let’s blog! 

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