Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sixty Second Secrets for Gardeing Success: Lawnmower Maintenance

Today on Sixty-Second Secrets for Gardening Success: Lawnmower maintenance!

To keep your mower in tip-top running condition, have a competent service professional thoroughly inspect your mower at least once a year.

Some things to ask them to do for you include:
·       Sharpening and balancing the blade. A dull blade tears grass and can leave in prone to disease, and an unbalanced blade can cause your mower excess wear and tear.
·       Check the air filter. If you are using the mower in dry or dusty conditions, you will need to replace the air filter more often.
·       Check the spark plug. Always ensure that the spark plug is clean and gapped correctly.
·       Check the carburetor and have it adjusted if necessary.
·       Check the oil, and have it changed if needed.
·       Check the wheels, bags, and belts and replace as needed.

By keeping your mower in proper working order, you can help maintain a healthy environment, pocketbook and lawn.

For more information on lawn care, contact your local
CSU Extension Office.

Sixty-Second Secrets for Gardening Success is a production of
Colorado State University Extension.
CSU Extension: Extending knowledge, changing lives.


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