Thursday, June 5, 2014

What is wrong with this picture?

As seen in Greeley....
What do you think?


  1. Hmmm. Tree not going to be happy.

  2. Tree says: stop pinching my shallow roots!

  3. I was going to do a post about all of the 'great' things people have been doing to their trees in Greeley. The tree in the picture had every small branch cut off last summer, leaving just the trunk and larger branches. The foliage that you see is actually growing off the larger branches- like tuffs of foliage. This tree has more foliage than many of the honeylocusts that are around town- we have three in front of the Weld County Extension Office that have all its' branches in tact, they are just missing the leaves.

  4. We have a green ash in a parking lot planting that had its root system covered in two feet of river rock 7 years ago. Co-hort Mary Small pointed it out to me and I've been watching it decline. The first couple years, there was no noticeable canopy difference, but now there are many dead branches and significant dieback. I know it's a direct result of the rock being piled on its roots and squashing any potential for oxygen to reach the roots.Thinking back, I should have taken photos each year...we could have had a photo diary.

  5. This mature tree (based on the trunk size) is buried in soil. No oxygen to the root system, rot will most likely occur. All sorts of other problems....soil compaction, etc., etc. etc. Should have left the poor guy alone, at grade with the rest of the yard where it belonged....

  6. The poor tree has no twigs or branching structure. I will make a point of taking pictures of it...since I see it almost everyday.
