Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Blog about VLOGGING! by Yvette Henson

This past fall, when I was researching the speakers that were going to be at an event I was planning on attending, I discovered vlogging!  Several of the speakers scheduled at the event I went to are what are considered modern day ‘homesteaders’ and have YouTube Channels where they VLOG about what they are doing on their homesteads.  Some of them have 1000’s (or even 10's of thousands) of subscribers!  I watched a few VLOGS and a new world opened up.  Turns out vlogging is currently a popular thing!  

VLOGS may be ‘old news’ to you, or perhaps, like me, they are something new.  VLOGS are simply video blogs--videos that are posted regularly, usually to YouTube, but Facebook, personal websites, Twitter, or many other outlets can be used.  In addition, vloggers also use other social media to support what they are doing.  VLOGS can share snippets of information or tell a story over time.  The most popular ones share a story over time, allowing the viewer to participate in the vloggers life on a somewhat ‘personal’ level.  By vlogging one can build like-minded community with subscribers and other fellow VLOGGERS.   Another reason to VLOG is to promote a cause or small business.  I’m not sure exactly how this works but the more followers you have increases opportunities to make income.

Viewers can learn about gardening (or just about any topic) in different locations of the country and world.  Of interest to me are the VLOGS that share daily life on a farm or in a garden. Although I’ve marathon-watched a few channels that I subscribe to, I don’t have a lot of time to spend really delving into this interesting cultural trend -- there are SO MANY VLOGS out there!

At this point I want to say that the information you find on VLOGS is not always accurate.  However, you can still learn from others’ experience and/or you can comment to add your own knowledge-- politely of course-- you don't want to be a 'hater'!

So far, I haven’t found many VLOGS put out by Universities that focus on gardening.  (Perhaps this is an opportunity?!)  Most of the University YouTube Channels post short research-based informational videos but aren't truly VLOGS.  The advantage, of course, to university channels are that they are trusted sources of information which is very important in our world of easy access to information on the internet.  

Colorado State University Extension has a YouTube Channel and many of the professionals who write for this Blog also have videos posted on this channel. Following is one about identifying Austrian pine that has had a lot of views:

Watch CSUE's YouTube channel here: CSUExtension 

MIgardener is a very popular channel with short videos that cover a wide range of gardening topics.  They also sell $1 packets of seeds.  Everyone loves a harvest video.  Enjoy this one on radishes.

A major aspect of modern day homesteading is self-sufficiency, which includes growing one’s own food, so homesteader VLOGGERS post a lot about their gardens.  My favorite Homesteader VLOG is Roots and Refuge Farm, Jessica and Jeremiah Sowards.  The following video is the introduction to her channel.

The Hollar Homestead chronicles a families year-long sojourn across the county in search of their 'Forever Homestead'.

I hope this brief blog has peeked your interest to get on the internet and explore the wonderful world of VLOGS!  After you do, I would love to hear about your favorite VLOGS. 


  1. I just discovered the Roots and Refuge vlog and am enjoying her down to earth way of gardening. Thanks for the other vlog suggestions...I'll check them out.

  2. Tagawa Gardens has a vast library of gardening how-to videos.. checkout our website to see some!!!
