Thursday, January 2, 2020

Pollinator Resolutions for 2020

Posted by: Abi Saeed (Agriculture, Horticulture & Natural Resources: Garfield County)

Hap-BEE New Year!

Pollinator conservation can seem like a daunting task at first, but everyone can take small steps to create a positive impact for these beneficial insects, birds, and mammals. By taking intentional actions towards safeguarding pollinators, in addition to continued learning- we can create a more inviting and pollinator friendly landscape. We hope you will join us in our pollinator conservation and outreach efforts for 2020.

Pick and choose from the following list of Pollinator Resolutions:

·        Know your pollinators
o   Whether you are an avid gardener, a biologist, or someone who simply enjoys plants, there is always more to learn when it comes to pollinators. Do you know the pollinators that can be found in your own backyard? Can you differentiate between a bee and a wasp? Do you know the difference between a flower visitor and a pollinator?
o   Learn more about our pollinators here:

·        Plant the right kind of flowers
o   Flowers can vary widely in terms of habitat suitability, bloom time and duration, nectar/pollen availability, and accessibility by pollinators.  Knowing about the types of flowers favored by pollinators can help in creating more efficient pollinator food sources that are suited to the needs and preferences of your local pollinators.
o   Learn more about plants for pollinators here:

·        Create some nesting habitat
o   Nesting habitat can look different, depending on the type of pollinator. There are several resources available to point you in the right direction whether you want to create nesting sites for ground nesting bees, cavity nesting bees, birds, or bats.
o   Learn more about pollinator habitat here:

·        Adopt pollinator friendly pest management practices
o   Adopt Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Weed Management (IWM) strategies.
o   Always read and follow label directions on any pesticides (including herbicides).
o   Never spray a plant that is currently in bloom (or about to bloom).
o   Learn more about pollinators and pesticides here:

·        Tell your friends and family
o   Spread the word about pollinator conservation, and educate your family, friends, and neighbors! The more people who adopt pollinator conservation practices, the better it is for the overall health and well-being of our pollinators.

·        Continue to learn!
o   Keep up with the latest science-based information on pollinators and adapt your conservation strategies accordingly!

Colorado State University Extension has assembled a dedicated Pollinator Habitat and Awareness Work Team that will be focused on creating more pollinator conservation resources for Coloradans. Together, with CSU and local counties/regions, we aim to offer more pollinator focused education throughout the state of Colorado. Stay tuned for the first Thursday of each month for a pollinator focused blog post, and search #coloradopollinators for more information and updates.