Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sixty Second Secrets for Gardening Success: Frost Dates!

Today on Sixty-Second Secrets for Gardening Success: Frost Dates!

Because frosts kill tender plants and seedlings, knowing the average frost free date in your community is an important tool for aiding in successful gardening. 

As a rule of thumb for Colorado, the average last frost free date is around Mother’s Day. It is important to note that this is an average date. In some years, the last frost can be as early as April, or as late as June.

In the autumn, the average first frost usually occurs around the first week of October. Again this is only an average, and some frost can occur as early as mid September or late October around Halloween.

You can extend your growing season by placing a hoop house or covering your plants with a sheet of clear plastic to protect against light frosts.

For more information on gardening, contact your local
CSU Extension Office.

Sixty-Second Secrets for Gardening Success is a production of
Colorado State University Extension.
CSU Extension: Extending knowledge, changing lives.

1 comment:

  1. In Buena Vista at 8,000 ft. elevation it would be 1st week of June, and 2nd-3rd week of September. Over 30 years time climate change has accounted for an extra week in the spring and an extra week or two in the fall.
