Saturday, April 12, 2014

What is happening with these trees....and turf?

Posted by: Tony Koski, CSU Extension

I was driving through Windsor this afternoon and spied these trees... and spots. Who can tell me what is happening? I may have a prize for the correct answer.... or a drawing if there are a bunch of correct answers. Of course, you have to be brave and leave your name along with the guess. No worries... there are no bad answers (but only one correct one....hehe...).


  1. Deep root watering,or fertilizing injections

    1. With a little more thought into to it,Drip irrigation the green spots
      are from the emitters?

  2. I was going to say fertilizer spikes...but think the above answer that James gave makes the most sense, since it looks like city property and they'd have the injector equipment...great question!

  3. Just for fun: Very selective female dog? Miniature alien landing sites? Decorative living polka dot art installation?

    But really probably a fertilizer injection, as mentioned before, with possibly a leaky connection?

  4. It's gotta be related to fertilizing the trees. Additional drip irrigation would spread out and the areas between the dots would be green too.

  5. This is a great question. I'm not really adding anything new to the conversation but it almost has to be a deep water and nutrient injection for the trees and that turf strip is otherwise too compacted to absorb much moisture...I am intrigued that the turf is green on the other side of the sidewalk.
    My only other thought is that those look like ash trees and there's a chance they treated the soil for ash borer and then ran the irrigation system after?

  6. deep root fertilization with slow release nitrogen.

  7. If everyone says the same thing do we all win a prize? :)

  8. what's the answer?

  9. FTLOG! what's the answer?

  10. I just broke the cardinal rule of blogs by posing a question and not giving the answer! It was fall tree fertilization that stimulated the grass to green up in spring. Good work everyone.
