Time for full disclosure: I did play golf last week. In January. In Colorado.
It was only 9 holes, but I played – and fairly well, for the first round of the year. The remarkably warm weather, combined with lack of snow, got me thinking (between shots) about winter watering.
The lack of moisture (rain last year…and snow this winter) has stirred up memories of 2002: our last big drought year. We are already being warned of the potential for landscape watering restrictions. For our lawns, a dry winter and spring invites turf damage by mites. The best way to prevent (or at least reduce the severity of the problem) winter mite injury to turf is by watering susceptible locations (south- and west-facing lawns) a few times during the winter. While this means pulling a hose and sprinkler around the yard now, it’s better than having to water new sod or seed in April. Temperatures this weekend will allow you to do some effective watering: just enough to moisten the surface, but not so much that you get runoff or puddles – which later turn to ice. In addition to mite prevention, winter watering can mean the difference between success and failure of lawns sodded or seeded last fall.

All plants need water to grow. And if the soil is too dry for a root to penetrate, how can it ever grow deeply? This holds true for both turf and trees. So don’t forget to water your trees – especially trees planted last growing season. The trees, turf and their respective root systems will love you. You’ll have great weather and plenty of time to water this Sunday, since you have no reason to watch the Super Bowl this year. Well, ok, maybe I’ll be watching for Kate’s Mercedes ad…