Posted by: Lisa Mason, Arapahoe County Extension
One of my favorite parts about summer is watching
butterflies. We have quite a variety of species in Colorado—over 250 according to What is so
fascinating about butterflies? For me, one aspect is the process of metamorphosis.
Many insects go through a full metamorphosis, but butterflies and moths can
have such striking colors and patterns on the caterpillars, cocoons and
chrysalises, and the adults.
I recently had a client contact the Extension office about
caterpillars feeding on pansy plants. When I saw pictures, I knew they were
the variegated fritillary caterpillars (Euptoieta
Claudia)! Since the voracious caterpillars were causing quite a bit of
damage to the pansies, he was looking to remove them. I immediately agreed to
take them! I took photos at various stages of their life so I could share the wonderment
with you. See the pictures at the bottom of this post.
The viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus) closely mimics the monarch. Photo: Lisa Mason |
Butterfly and Moth Basics
Some facts—butterflies and moths:
- Are part of the insect order Lepidoptera meaning scale wing
- Are characterized by two characteristics: 1) their wings are
covered in scales which are modified hairs, and 2) they have a proboscis which
is a long, tubular mouthpart.
- Go through a full metamorphosis consisting of four life
stages: an egg, larva, pupa and adult
- Have slight variations in each individual—just like a
snowflake, no two individuals are the same, but the differences are very hard
to spot in the outdoors
You can distinguish a butterfly from a moth a few different
ways. Butterflies are diurnal, active during the day, while moths are generally
nocturnal, active a night. Butterflies also tend to be more colorful which
helps them attract a mate. Moths attract mates through smell. Their dulled
colors help them camouflage at night to avoid predators. In addition,
butterflies generally have antennae that are clubbed-shaped versus moth
antennae usually taper to a point, or look feathery. Male moths in particular
have large, feathery antennae. Moths also appear “fuzzier” than butterflies because
the scales on their body are much thicker to keep them warm since they are
mostly active at night. Butterflies rely on the sun to keep them warm. Both
position their wings differently. Butterflies tend to fold their wings
together, and moths hold their wings out to look more like a tent-shape.
Migration Phenomenon
One of the most fascinating things about butterflies is the
migratory patterns of some species. Two migratory species of note that occur in
Colorado are the monarch and the painted lady.
butterflies (
Danaus plexippus) host
on milkweed plants (
Asclepias spp.)
which contain a milky compound that is toxic to predators such as birds. The bright
colors on monarch butterflies is often a warning to predators about the
The migratory corridor of
monarchs is through the Midwestern US as far north as Canada, and as far south
as Mexico. Monarchs also migrate up the west coast of the US.
Colorado is not directly on the migratory path
of monarchs, but we do see them here. Monarch butterflies use the position of
the sun to navigate and a magnetic compass to orient when the days are cloudy.
They possibly use a combination of both regularly. More research is needed to
fully understand how monarchs navigate for the migration.
More information here.
Adult monarch butterfly. Photo: Lisa Mason |
Monarch butterfly caterpillar feeding on milkweed. Photo: Lisa Mason |
Painted lady
butterflies (
Vanessa cardui) are a
common butterfly seen in Colorado. You may remember in 2017 when we had an
explosion of painted lady butterflies in the fall! Painted lady butterflies are
also a migratory species. They overwinter in the southwestern US and in Mexico.
They migrate northward in the spring as plants become available. The population
numbers in Colorado and surrounding areas depend on the weather in the
southwestern US. When the southwest has more precipitation, the butterfly
population will increase. All those butterflies then migrate northward. When
the southwest has years of less precipitation, you might not see many
butterflies. Painted lady butterflies are generalists and will forage on a
variety of nectar-producing flowers. The caterpillars host on thistle, hollyhock
and sunflowers.
information here.
Painted lady butterfly. Photo: Lisa Mason |
A Few Other Species in Colorado
swallowtail butterflies (
multicaudatus) are large (up to 5 inches long), yellow and are a commonly
seen butterfly along the Front Range. The
feed on green ash and chokecherries. With the emerald ash borer growing along
the Front Range, two-tailed swallowtails will many lose many ash trees as
potential host sites. What can you do? Plant chokecherry trees! If you treat
your ash tree to protect it from EAB, likely trunk injections would be a safer
treatment method for these butter flies rather than trunk sprays. The adults feed on nectar from thistles,
milkweed, and other flowers. Two-tailed swallowtails can be differentiated from
tiger swallowtails by a second projection off their hindwing. More information here.
Two-tailed swallowtail adult. Photo: Lisa Mason |
Two-tailed swallowtail caterpillar. Photo: Lisa Mason |
Black swallowtail butterflies (Papilio polyxenes) had a great year in 2019. They were very common
in gardens along the Front Range. The butterflies are large and mostly black
with some yellow markings. They host on plants in the carrot family (Apiacaea)
including dill, parsley, and fennel. When the caterpillars are small, their
colors resemble bird droppings that can help them camouflage. As the
caterpillars grow, their colors become more striking with green, black and
orange markings. More information here.
Colorado hairstreak butterflies (Hypaurotis crysalus) is the Colorado state butterfly! Haven’t seen
this butterfly? You are not alone. They tend to be fast fliers. These
butterflies host on gambel oak, which is a common shrub in the Colorado
foothills and mountains. They don’t stray too far from their host plants, even
as adults. You likely won’t catch these butterflies on flowers either. They
tend to feed on sap from the trees, and honeydew from aphids and other insects.
Some years have higher populations than others, likely dependent on the weather.
More information here.
Common buckeye butterflies (Junonia coenia) aren’t the most common butterfly you see in
Colorado, so if you do see them, take note! These lovely butterflies overwinter
in the south where is warmer. Adults will migrate north to places like Colorado
and will colonize over the summer months. The adults prefer flowers in the
Asteraceae family including aster, gumweed, and tickseed flowers. Caterpillars
host on snapdragons, toadflax and plantains. More information here.
Common buckeye butterfly. Photo: Lisa Mason |
Attracting Butterflies
To attract butterflies to your backyard this summer, provide
the following:
- Nectar plants that are brightly
colored and have a landing pad for the adults
- Caterpillar host plants
- Sunny, open areas
- Trees and shrubs to protect them
from wind and weather
- A water source such as a shallow
Awesome! I had that black swallowtail visit my Italian parsley and luckily I had my phone in my pocket! So I got a few pics. I also had those variegated fritillary caterpillars on my violas and pansies.
ReplyDeleteGreat article Lisa.
Hi Lisa, Interesting and well written feature. I found it helpful and increased my knowledge on the various differences between butterflies and moths. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteJan Stoven
Lisa, i so appreciate your passion and knowledge for pollinators!
ReplyDeleteYvette Henson